Equifax sheds light on incident response

When it comes to security, it’s better to be safe than sorry. But as the Equifax leak case has taught us, once a security breach does happen, it’s best not to be sorry twice. Read on so your business doesn’t experience the same fate as the giant, bumbling credit bureau. What happened to Equifax? Equifax, […]

Why your business should get SaaS-y

As technology progresses, more solutions are created to help businesses reduce costs and increase efficiency. One such solution is “Software as a Service,” aka SaaS. To know if this new solution can be of benefit to your business, you need to know first what SaaS actually is. Read on to learn more. What is SaaS […]

Locky-type ransomware is attacking systems

In 2016, the Locky ransomware infected millions of users with a Microsoft Word file. It was eventually contained, and cyber security firms have since created protections to detect and block previous Locky variants. However, a similar malware is currently spreading worldwide and has so far infected tens of thousands of computers. Quick facts According to […]

Mac malware goes undetected for years

While Macs have a reputation for being more secure than Windows PCs, they are far from immune. Over the past decade, a piece of malware designed to spy on its victims’ computers has remained unnoticed until quite recently. What’s worse is that security experts are still unsure about how the malware gets into Mac computers. […]

5 ways to protect your IoT devices

More firms are using the Internet of Things (IoT) to create new business opportunities. For instance, companies that install smart sensors can automate data entry and monitor their inventory. However, if left unsecured, IoT devices also give hackers an opportunity to breach your network. In order to keep attackers at bay, we advise you take […]

How does virtualization improve business?

The relationship between computer hardware and software can be frustrating. Both require the other to function properly, but both also require individual attention. Virtualization makes this relationship far more flexible, and we’ve got a rundown on a few of the best examples. More technology uptime Virtualization vendors use lots of fancy names for the features […]

Worrying evidence of poor router security

When we write about how antivirus software isn’t enough to keep you safe from malware, it’s not just scare tactics. There are so many ways hackers can break into your system that antivirus solutions will never catch. For a real-world example, look no further than the router exploit kit recently leaked from the CIA. The […]

New anti-phishing features for Gmail

Cybercriminals have been relentless throughout 2017. In the past couple of months, hackers discovered new malware strains and software vulnerabilities that have overwhelmed thousands of businesses worldwide. But despite these new attacks, hackers still have an old, yet effective trick up their sleeves: phishing scams. To this day, sending fraudulent emails to steal sensitive information […]

PC fixes are a drain on your company’s budget

When your employees seek your IT security staff’s help to fix their personal computer (PC) problems, it’s often perceived as a productive use of everyone’s time. After all, employees must have working computers and IT professionals are expected to resolve any technology issues. What doesn’t get acknowledged, however, is that instead of troubleshooting technical problems, […]

6 tips to secure Mac computers

Although well aware of its importance, users still overlook Mac security. This might be excusable if you’re using your device just to watch cooking shows or to experiment with PhotoBooth, but not if it’s being used in day-to-day business operations. Deter internal and external threats from compromising your device with these tips: The basics Let’s […]