What to expect from hybrid cloud

When thinking about cloud technology, public cloud tends to be the first type of platform that comes to mind. This is hardly a shock as it’s the most common type of cloud, but that might not hold true in the near future as hybrid cloud continues to grow. That said, here are five hybrid cloud […]

2017’s most valuable IT solutions

How many new technologies did your business adopt last year? Too many? Too few? You’ve officially made it through 2017 and there’s no better time than now to review which IT fads were worth investing in, and which ones should be left in the past. Look no further than our recap of last year’s most […]

Will Containers change IT?

New technological developments such as cloud computing and virtualization are prying small- and medium-sized businesses away from traditional client-server architecture. In contention now lie Containers, a technology influenced by cloud computing that offers a less complex alternative to virtualization. Discover its benefits and see why they apply to your business. What are containers and why […]

Microsoft Teams tips and tricks

Despite being late to the group chat scene, Microsoft Teams is equipped with a handful of features and impressive integration that set it apart from its competitors. So if you’re already subscribed to Office 365, here’s how you can take Teams to the next level. Use SharePoint to store and share files You might already […]

Phishing alert: scammers now use encryption

Just when you thought cyber criminals couldn’t get smarter, along comes a new scamming technique. Previously used for safeguarding browsing activity, encryption tools are now used by hackers in carrying out phishing scams. This means some fraudulent sites may have HTTPS on their address, giving users a false sense of security. How hackers use encryption […]

Apple fixes major macOS security flaw

With new vulnerabilities discovered every day, it’s important for users to keep their computers up to date. The problem is many find this process tedious and sometimes ignore it altogether. But if you’re a Mac user, we urge you to install the latest patch as soon as possible. Serious bug On November 28th, security researchers […]

HP laptop users beware: keylogger found

Are you using an HP laptop? If so, your machine might have a keylogger pre-installed. This means every stroke you hit on your keyboard can be recorded and your passwords and personal details can be exposed. But don’t panic. We’re about to tell you how to remove it while educating you about this sneaky software […]

Gmail equipped with new add-ons!

Add-ons and swim rings share one thing in common — they both can save your life! While it might not be literal in the case of the former, add-ons do heaps to streamline your everyday tasks and literally save you hours of work. If you use Gmail, you can experience it today! Google’s focus is […]

IAM benefits for your business

Whether it be cloud, mobile, or on-premises, every technology you use stores certain confidential data that are accessed by your employees. So how do you guarantee the safety of said data from cyber threats like identity theft, phishing attacks and more? IAM is the answer. What is IAM? Identity and access management is a system […]