Google puts a premium in mobile searching

When it comes to business-related searches, Google is second to none. But despite being the industry leader in search engines, this powerhouse is never complacent. Recently, it made changes to its search feature and became mobile-first. If you’re wondering what this strategy could mean for you and your business, read on. Google search works by […]

What you need to know about Google Posts

As a small- and medium-sized business, you can’t miss out on this opportunity to leverage Google’s search results. With Google Posts, businesses can create content highly ranked in Google search results for their names, even without having a website. Here’s how this works. What they can do Google Posts allow users to communicate directly in […]

Do you know what Google Posts are?

Businesses in the 21st century rely on a strong digital presence to keep up with the competition. There’s a new tool that helps with just that: Google Posts. Read on to learn its potentially game-changing capabilities and when SMBs can expect to get a piece of the action. What they can do Google Posts basically […]

New smart search engine for G Suite users

Google Cloud Search is the latest tool launched for business customers that allow users to search across their G Suite products including Drive, Gmail, Sites, Calendar, Docs, Contacts and more. It was previously available in a limited preview, named Springboard, and was described as something similar to Google Now for enterprise workers. Google Cloud Search […]

Why Google search prioritizes mobile

More people use Google than they use any other search tool available. Because of this, Google constantly strives to improve functionality and its users’ search experience. So to that end, Google recently decided to make mobile search its top priority. Learn more about why the company has chosen to do so and what this could […]

Can others access deleted Google history?

Like breaking up with past lovers, when deleting something from our browsing history, we all have that lingering feeling that it’s never really gone. Some may even suspect that multinational tech giants such as Google might have been keeping tabs on all the searches you’ve made — and they’re right. Unless a genie granted you […]

Improve searches with these Google tricks

Much like capturing someone’s heart, mastering the art of fully utilizing Google Search takes time, dedication and the willingness to learn new things. It’s an undeniable fact that we use Google Search almost on a daily basis, yet the only expertise we demonstrate is inputting a couple of terms and then relying on the search […]