Improve your website using these 3 features

How’s your website doing? For a lot of business owners, the answer is simply up and running. While having a website is a good start, it must also be appealing to visitors. A poorly designed website can drive away both potential and current customers who don’t want to be associated with a brand that doesn’t […]

Google Trials Password-Free Login

It seems Google is taking the issue of online security increasingly serious as they have recently unveiled their latest attempt to stem the tide of phishing. Trialing a password-free login option, they also aim to curb the dangers caused by ineffective and over simplified passwords – something that every small and medium sized business needs […]

Keep the lights on and your business running

When people think of the causes of downtime and the need for a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), they tend to think big. Powerful storms, massive blizzards, fires and floods are usually what springs to mind when business continuity is mentioned. And while these disasters can disrupt your business, a small power outage can be just […]

Chimera ransomware’s scary tactics

There are numerous strains of malware out there, but one particularly unpleasant one is ransomware. While this malicious software has been around for some time, recently a newer, nastier upgrade was discovered. Posing a threat to businesses of all sizes, the program, called Chimera, has upped the ante when it comes to scaring its victims […]

Several new phones to launch in 2016

While it is impossible to predict the future, it looks as if 2016 is shaping up to be a year in which new phone releases take center stage. This also means consumers need to be educated and savvy about buying a new device this year. You might have your heart set on a certain brand, […]

2016’s possible security problems

Online security has probably never been such a hotly debated subject as it was in 2015. From recent numerous high-profile attacks on Sony and others, to this year’s leaking of data stolen from the extramarital-affair-facilitating website Ashley Madison website, have pushed cyber security firmly into the spotlight. So what can we expect from 2016? Experts […] enjoy more productive meetings

Is there anything worse than an unproductive meeting? The feeling of those minutes and even hours slipping by you as you sit ‘brainstorming’ with co-workers, only to leave the room with a big fat nothing. The frustrating part is that, when run effectively, meetings can result in great ideas, and can add huge value to […]

A new iPhone battery case from Apple

In one of the company’s most subdued releases, Apple recently unveiled a new smart battery case for its iPhone 6 and 6s. The product promises to help extend your iPhone’s battery life, and can give you up to an additional eight hours of Internet use or 10 hours of talk time. But before running out […]

Interruption insurance for businesses

While it is highly likely that you have an insurance policy that will cover your small or medium-sized business in the event of a disaster, chances are you don’t have business interruption insurance. The majority of smaller companies tend to overlook interruption policies, believing (or at least hoping) that regular insurance will be enough to […]